Does your business employ, or have plans to employ night workers?
A ‘night worker’ is classed as an individual who works at least three hours between 11pm and 6am. Under the Working Time Regulations 1998 set by the HSE, employees working night shifts must be offered a night work health assessment before commencing their role, and then this must be repeated at least once a year following this.
Night work health assessments are carried out to help employers identify where risks may be posed, and help decide how to make reasonable adjustments. Although night work is unlikely to pose significant health risks to the majority of workers, it can affect the health of some workers with existing health conditions.
The risk may be higher for those with the following health issues:
In circumstances where employees may be affected negatively by night work, employers are required to find suitable alternative work for the individual, where possible.
If employees work night and day shifts, then it can take some time for the body clock to adjust. It is important that these individuals are checked regularly, as this can cause stress, sleep deprivation and a variety of other issues. Also, easting at unusual times during the night can also cause health issues, for example, acid reflux or heartburn, which is why we like to provide detailed assessments of every individual.
Our Night Work Health Assessments involve a series of health surveillance checks and questions to determine areas of risk. Should any problems be brought to light that could affect their ability to work nights, we will guide the employer on the next steps to take.
Firstly, will carry out the following health surveillance checks (as part of the wider night work health assessment):
Then we will follow with a health questionnaire, including questions such as:
Alike all other types of health assessments, it’s important that you, as an employer, keep a record. You must keep a record of the following:
We can carry out an in-depth occupational health assessment on your employees working night shifts, as well as a number of other occupational health services and checks. If you would like to learn more, please contact us on 07581 489050.
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